Adam & Evie’s Matchmaking Tour
“Adam & Evie’s Matchmaking Tour” by Nora Nguyen delivers on all things we know and love in a quality romance book: instant connections, sexy times, misunderstandings, and friendships. Plus, it has a stunning cover.
The Plot
After the passing of Evie’s beloved aunt, she discovers she’s been let go from her position and she breaks up with her (not so secret) boyfriend. Luckily for her, her aunt had something up her sleeve: a matchmaking tour in Vietnam, the home country of her father’s side of the family. While she’s there, she meets plenty of different characters, including a prickly (and very handsome) CMO named Adam. She does this all while exploring the place she always dreamed of visiting.
This book is about healing from the loss of loved ones as well as finding romantic love. Throughout the book, you see a nice build up of both angles of the story and are left feeling very satisfied with the ending.
Was the Book Good/Bad?
I think this was a good book! I had a fun time reading it and the overall tempo of it felt nice. The plot is really cute, even though it does reference loss of her father and aunt, but it focuses on healing and growth, which was really nice.
If you’re looking for a new romance book to read, I think this is a good one to check out.